Monday, June 21, 2010

Panneau décoratif

This incredible panel is from the collection at the Musée Des Arts Decoratif, in Paris. Wow!

Maybe some day I'll get a chance to paint something like this. The scale and proportion of each element is perfect; so hard to find these days. Here's an unfinished panel (below) that I started to paint. Unfortunately, unless there's someone waving a check at the finish line, I find it hard to spend the time to complete. 


  1. Oh! This is part of a larger group of panels that are hanging in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. I have been fascinated by them for some time now. They are wonderful. There are even sister pieces in the decorative arts museum in Madrid. I was surprised when I saw them there in Spain.

  2. After thinking about it: Unless Alan DID paint this one! I would not be surprised at all by that.

  3. I'm flattered you guys think that I *could* have painted this one! I've been busy lately, so it's been hard finding time to publish posts. No text, just inspiring imagery! [Though I did update the post with the link to the Museum].

  4. Yeah, you are such a "dangle the carrot" kinda guy! LOL! I think you will finish it when your mind and soul are ready right after you have been commissioned to copy some black velvet painting picked up on a jaunt to Mexico!

  5. I was at a friend's house and they had a black velvet painting of Karl Rove! Never knew there was a market!

  6. I was standing in front of these just 6 days ago. They are absolutely stunning in person.
