Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Engravings of Raphael's Designs for the Vatican Loggia

This should quicken the pulse of at least a few ornament nerds out there. I know I'm not completely alone. Yeah, you know who you are. This is my second post on the subject of the extremely rare full color set of engravings, hand-painted in gouache, of Raphael's incredible designs for the Vatican Loggia.

I posted an enormous set with 277 large format details, taken directly from the original engravings, on my Flickr page. You won't find these anywhere else, you lucky lucky bastards. Except if you happen to own one of the only three full surviving color sets, of course. In which case I hate you.

For information on the engravings themselves, and background to the Vatican loggia, see this earlier post on my blog.


Wearing black ski masks, and suspended from the ceiling so as not to trip the alarms
Here's an oblique detail showing the beautiful gilding on the Noah's Ark panel


  1. dude! who you callin nerd? just cause I get weak kneed from looking at these teaser photos doesn't mean i'm a nerd. does it?

  2. Hi, Alan - Between this posting and spending last evening looking through books on Pompeii, I've gotten my fix, but maybe for only about the next 48 hours. If loving this portfolio makes me a nerd, then I'm proud to own that title. Thanks for making the images available.

  3. "Make way for the Divine Raphael!"

  4. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing with fellow ornamental nerds!
